Github Gists and Cheat Sheets
This is a list of Github Gists that I use to remember noteworthy stuff… feel free to fork and extend!
- Pulumi Learnings
- Python
- Trunk-based development
- Remote Cheat Sheet
- Remote Working Meetup
- Meetup: Automated Security Testing in Continuous Integration
- Patterns and Anti-Patterns for CI/CD
- Inspec ARM
- Linux Cheat Sheet
- Pacman in Golang
- Audax Suisse Tipps & Tricks
- Feedback Cheatsheet
- Security Cheatsheet
- Container Security
- Design Thinking, UX, User Story Mapping…
- jsonnet
- Gradle OSS Dependencies
- DevOps Meetup Karlsruhe: Concourse CI
- Molecule Learnings
- Outside-In TDD
- Look up…
- GitOps
- Jenkins is dead - long live Jenkins!
- Google Cloud Platform
- Kubernetes the Hard Way
- SSH with Vault
- Jenkins CLI
- Continuous Improvement / Continuous Learning
- Vagrantfile with Proxy config
- DevOps Principles
- Get Jenkins Plugin licenses
- git resources
- Docker Cheat Sheet
- Ansible Cheat Sheet
- Meetups
- Go Cheat Sheet
- Consumer Driven Contracts
- Create Gitlab Personal Access Token using curl
- Docker Cheat Sheet
- Upload tracks to Strava from the Command Line
- Fenced code in bullet lists with GitHub-flavoured MarkDown??
- Setting Maven artifact in pom.xml with command line tool
- Semantic Versioning class for Groovy
- Groovy script that returns an array of Git tags with versions
- bash / shell cheatsheet
- Go CheatSheet
- Summary of cfgmgmtcamp 2017
- Networking Cheatsheet
- Networking Cheat Sheet
- BOSH Cheat Sheet
- Concourse Cheat Sheet
- Resources for BOSH
- ElasticSearch, Logstash & Kibana for Jenkins Logs
- GoCD Cheatsheet
- Hadoop Cheat Sheet
- Spring Boot Testing
- Spring Bean Injection
- Docker on Mac…
- tmux Cheat Sheet
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Mac OS Cheat Sheet
- Swagger Cheatsheet
- Jenkins Pipeline Plugin Cheat Sheet
- Maven Cheatsheet
- DevOps Meetup Karlsruhe - ChatOps
- DevOps Days Kiel: Message Queues as an Integration Approach for Micro Services
- Some Snippets and Resources for BOSH
- Behat in TYPO3
- Opens a Gitlab site for the current directory
- Write your own ssh Server with the Python Twisted library
Note to myself: here is the command that gives me all my gists as JSON
curl '' | jq '[ .[] | {url: .url, description: .description}]'
and here is the VS Code replace regex to format them into Markdown
\{\n.*(https.*?)".*\n.*"description": "(.*?)"\n\s+\}, * [$2]($1)